
6☆Africa''I was satisfy! it's not yet..but it was one of my one step''

That's the picture that when I tought Origami(papre art) for children in the volunteer probram:D

I tought them how to make a dog☆a cat ☆a rabit☆a bird☆some flowers☆a house☆

And put these on a piace of paper,and made a own world!! with these Origami and drawing:D

Everykids imitated my sample,but even they stick these Origame to same place with my sample,they could make special own world on the paper!! Coz them drawing were unique and I could feel each of them feeling from the paper!!
I really enjoyed to play with them:D

And many of my friends were helping me when I tought Origami for kids.
My friends worked hard with making somthing by Origami.

''oh-stop stop! wait for me!''

''It's too hard to make the shape.plz do it for me!''
''One more time! One more time!''

I really love to hear these kind of voices!hehe
Coz I can feel they were forcus to Origami:D It's so glad for me----:D!!
Everykids's eyes were so beautiful!!
and I was so happy to see kids when they were sticking Origami to the paper and drowing picture.Them faces were so close to the paper!!haha and Them hands were holding a pen so strong!!
''give me the blue!!'' ''where is the red?''

When we finish the program,,everykids said ''Thank you Rikako!!''
WOW! I almost cry..I never fotget this time!!!

And I really wanna appreciate for my friends who joined the program and helped me..☆

I don't think if they weren't there,I could successed.
And Of course Annaelle and Helga!! Thank you----!!!!!One more time!!!



犬、猫、鳥、お花、家の作り方を教えてその折り紙を1枚の紙に貼って、絵を描いて自分の世界をつくることをした! みんな、りかこのお手本を真似して同じとこに折り紙を貼ってたけど、それでもそれぞれの世界が紙の上にできていた!絵がすごい個性的だったからね!それぞれの作品からそれぞれの気持ちが想像できてたのしかったよ!



When I came to the school on first week, I did calligraphy(It's called Syuuzi in Japanese).

And I wrote my classmate's name to give it for them:D I had two reasons to do it.One is ''I wanna show japanese art for foreigner.and Another one is ''I wanted to get along with my class soon.''

And after I did it,from other studens ask me to write them name for them as well!!
I was so happy to hear that:D

And Gorge(my teacher) told me''I'm keeping it in a frame in my house!I love it!'' He always maks me happy---when I tryied something.''



This picture was at party in school!!
I like it:D

In Cape Studies(our school),there are always many kind of people!!hehe

I mean,,,students come from a lot of countries!!
and everyone is so special personality!!lol

When I remember them,I can laugh!!even if I'm alone!!hahaha

いろんなたくさんの国籍だし、性格的にもみんなスペシャル!!ははは 彼らを思い出すと例えりかこが1人でも笑えるよ!はははは

I could learn Gobon dance and Brazil dance!!haha

It was fun!! I think African and Brazilian is a great dancer!!!! 
I love them dance and I think I must follow them!!haha-


I ate meat too much!! at every school party;;

But I couldn't stop it.Coz It was so yummy---!!!!!
I prefer eat meat by hand than eating meat by a fork and a knife:)

But I wanna be elegant...haha

Do you think is it possible?
I think it's possible!!hehe
Why not---!!hehe
あー毎回学校のパーティー、りかこ食べすぎ;; でも止まらないんだ。。だっておいしかったんだもん!

でもエレガントになりたいんだなあーー、、、ははは なれると思う?りかこはなれると思うよ!!へへ