When I got the party,first many Gabonese people show Gabon dance!! They are good at dancing!!
Even small kids:D
I was really glued to watch the dance.
I watched some show!!
that fashion show and listen singing~:)
I was a bit worry I come.
Because I heard the party is Gabon party.
so there are people who are from Gabon.
Almost people are Gabonese.
So I remember,,I asked him''Can I go?''haha
But After I got in the party..!!!!
It was so nice for me!!!hahaha
So I was looking for someone to be sencond!!hahaha Coz I don't know anything!!hahaha
It was so fun!!hehe
Lyn was dancing behind me then she tought me how to do Gabon dance!!
Gabon dance use waist a lot!!!
My waist was moving crazy!!!lol
Thanks Ly~~~n!!!
I was so happy !!
I was so happy !!
Because nobody care me from not Gabon(Japan).
Everybody makes me happy and tried to enjoy with me!!
I'm a baby~~lol
I miss La mama!! (she is left side of me)
She is also used to cape studies student!!
I had a good time at this party!!
and I felt Gabonese is so hot!!!!
and so friendly and They are like everybody family!!!!!
I was really happy to join them:)
But After we go out the party,infront of the gate!!
Two women were fighting!!
Then a woman throw something.suddenly everybody ran away!!!!!!!
I saw something whilt powder.Many people are having a fit of coughing.
I ran really first with some friends.so I was ok.
But some police car came and the women were shouted so many words.(I didn't understand what they said.It was really first and it might be French..)
I was really scard.but Gui's friend stayed with me all the time.
and even I met her first time on this day and I've talked to her just a little though she was really took care of me well..
She hold my hand all the time by her big hand.
I think If same situation happen in Japan,I'm not scard.but in Cape town,,,the atmosphere was so scard... Anyway I could go back to home well..:)
This day would be one of my special memory!!!
最初はほぼガボンの人しかいないって聞いてたから、ちょっと不安でGuiに『りかこ行っていいの?』って聞いてたけど、行ってみたらなんのその!!!ははは すごく楽しかった!
最初の方はガボンの人が集まってガボンダンスを見せてくれた!!小さい子も大人もすごく上手で釘付けになった!ファッションショーや歌も聴いた!急に雰囲気が変わって、一瞬でりかこは1つの列の先頭になってみんなが踊り始めていた!!えーーーっ!わかんないよ!と思って2番目にならなきゃってだれか探した!はははは 後ろからリンがどう踊るか教えてくれてガボンダンスを踊った!めっちゃ楽しかった!!でも腰をよく使うから腰どうなるかと思った!はははは
最初の方はガボンの人が集まってガボンダンスを見せてくれた!!小さい子も大人もすごく上手で釘付けになった!ファッションショーや歌も聴いた!急に雰囲気が変わって、一瞬でりかこは1つの列の先頭になってみんなが踊り始めていた!!えーーーっ!わかんないよ!と思って2番目にならなきゃってだれか探した!はははは 後ろからリンがどう踊るか教えてくれてガボンダンスを踊った!めっちゃ楽しかった!!でも腰をよく使うから腰どうなるかと思った!はははは
でも、これがりかこ気にいっちゃった!!すごく楽しいもん!!みんなですごーーい長い列になって、なんかよくわかんないこと叫んで!! ほぼ知らない人なのにみんなが何も気にしずいてくれたのがまた、うれしかった!! ダンスが終わったときはリンと思わず抱き合って’’キャー’’ってなってたね!